Monday, October 28, 2013

Robots and Humans





                       I think robots have the potential to do almost anything like build stuff in factories, cars, toys, and other stuff. I am sure a robot can be built to look like a human and perhaps that will happen in the future. I could see it now, robot sales associates! As far as how intelligent a robot can be is beyond me. I am sure they can hold a wealth of information in their CPU, but can they critical think? Can they determine truth from lie? Who knows? I am sure we will see eventually.

                       I think a robotic care would be an amazing idea.  Just imagine going into a vehicle that can drive you to a destination whole you sleep, play games, and talk with your company? It is about what can make a person’s life easier right? I see technology has advanced already so much in our society, I am sure our society will advance farther.  

                       Humans make mistakes all the time; I guess that is a part of life, but robots? I think robots won’t make mistakes, but maybe they will freeze or catch viruses. I am sure nothing is perfect, but I would say humans would make a lot more mistakes than robots.  In the reading Autonomous Robots in the Fog of war there was an interesting statement made by a reporter, “A reporter on the phone asks me what will happen when robots become so smart that they can clone themselves.” This is a question some people ask themselves. It is a good question because robots are and will intelligent One could see the movie I-Robot starring Will Smith to understand this reporter’s question. I think we are a long way from figuring this out.

In this interesting reading, The Huggable: A Therapeutic Robotic Companion for Relational, Affective Touch is about a solution for loneliness. The reading states,” One solution to this problem of loneliness, helplessness, and boredom, is the use of companion animals in an animal assisted therapy (AAT).” There was a robot bear in this reading that had sensitive skin, sounds, and reactions. I agree that such devices would help out societies elder population, but not only the elder population, but the babies and Toddlers as well. I don’t know much about the elderly, but I know about babies. They are entertained by spoons, but a bear like this would make their time better.



1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. I feel that robots will be built to resemble humans and they will eventually become integrated into society as if they were indeed a human.


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