Friday, November 22, 2013




Cyberbullying is a form if internet or electronic device harassment from another person typically a high school student or someone who is immature. Cyberbullying can consist on harassment, threating messages, and mental abuse. In the reading, “Girl’s Suicide Points to Rise in Apps Used by Cyberbullies, “this little girl jumped to her death because of bullying in person and on the electronic device. I think her parents should have had a relationship with their daughter like talking about how her day was. Good parents know their children! As for the offenders, they should all be charged criminally for bulling Rebbeca Sedwick. I also think her school has to take some responsibility for not doing anything about it or not communicating with her or her parents.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Open-access VS Copy right




Copy right is media that an organization or a person has rights to. Rights to distribute, reproduce, and sell to the people around the world.  No other has this right under the copyright. Open-access is materials provided by free sites like or personal media. I believe journal articles, TV, movies; music should be free in a way. Obviously, these materials took hard work to make and should be sold for a reasonable price, but at the same token these materials were made for the people and should be available on certain websites. Perhaps when the song or movie is aged?  The answer is yes and no. depending on the year of the item.  in the reading, Open access research grows in popularity, “ Open access research, which is a push to make tax-funded research available to the public” is something I agree with because this information is funded through our taxes. this is an example of what should be open-accuses.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Privacy on the net

I think there is far less privacy on the internet than we need. It seems you can get any type of information on the net which is not fair because where is the privacy? In the readings
Information Privacy: Changing Norms and Expectations, “Our notions of privacy and security are deeply tied to our social and historical notions of person and place. The aphorism, “A man’s home is his castle,” captures that notion and its roots in English common law. This Castle Doctrine followed settlers to the colonies and was later codified in the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. “Where is our right to privacy? If our home is our castle? In the readings, “Facebook Privacy Is So Confusing Even the Zuckerberg Family Photo Isn't Private, she discusses that facebook is not as private as it should be. Anything can be vied and hacked on facebook. There has been many hacks..  

Monday, October 28, 2013

Robots and Humans





                       I think robots have the potential to do almost anything like build stuff in factories, cars, toys, and other stuff. I am sure a robot can be built to look like a human and perhaps that will happen in the future. I could see it now, robot sales associates! As far as how intelligent a robot can be is beyond me. I am sure they can hold a wealth of information in their CPU, but can they critical think? Can they determine truth from lie? Who knows? I am sure we will see eventually.

                       I think a robotic care would be an amazing idea.  Just imagine going into a vehicle that can drive you to a destination whole you sleep, play games, and talk with your company? It is about what can make a person’s life easier right? I see technology has advanced already so much in our society, I am sure our society will advance farther.  

                       Humans make mistakes all the time; I guess that is a part of life, but robots? I think robots won’t make mistakes, but maybe they will freeze or catch viruses. I am sure nothing is perfect, but I would say humans would make a lot more mistakes than robots.  In the reading Autonomous Robots in the Fog of war there was an interesting statement made by a reporter, “A reporter on the phone asks me what will happen when robots become so smart that they can clone themselves.” This is a question some people ask themselves. It is a good question because robots are and will intelligent One could see the movie I-Robot starring Will Smith to understand this reporter’s question. I think we are a long way from figuring this out.

In this interesting reading, The Huggable: A Therapeutic Robotic Companion for Relational, Affective Touch is about a solution for loneliness. The reading states,” One solution to this problem of loneliness, helplessness, and boredom, is the use of companion animals in an animal assisted therapy (AAT).” There was a robot bear in this reading that had sensitive skin, sounds, and reactions. I agree that such devices would help out societies elder population, but not only the elder population, but the babies and Toddlers as well. I don’t know much about the elderly, but I know about babies. They are entertained by spoons, but a bear like this would make their time better.



Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Social Media.

Facebook is a social networking site I primarily use. I prefer face book because I am used to it. I have not mastered it yet. A virtual world is a space for people online. Which looks like the real world like a video game! For example, Sims. Is a game where you can create and manipulate a person and a life. You can customize how your avatar looks like, your home, career, neighbors and anything. It’s amazing. In the readings Professor Encourages Students to Pass Notes During Class— via Twitter ,”v In some cases, a shy student would type an observation or question on Twitter .” I think it would be good idea for some because they are shy, but now others because you lose that face to face interaction. In the readings,“When Writing Digitally, Nobody Knows You’re a Duck, “As the Internet’s popularity and population exploded, issues of personal identity/ies gained traction in the minds of scholars and analysts.” I think in online identity is complex because you really don’t know who you are talking to. I remember I was on my space and I was talking to a person who turned out to be under age. I stopped talking to that person.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

World Wide Web


The future of the World Wide Web is an advanced future where anybody can surf the net in almost any gadget. Technology is constantly evolving and I believe the web will be a even more a part of a person‘s life.   Cloud computing is an expression used to describe a verity of different types of computing. Large numbers of computers connected through networks like internet like distributing computing through networking. It also lets us save alot of information in a good way to help with keeping information safe. I find it amazing like in the reading cloud computing, “It’s not just that servers must respond to hundreds or thousands of requests per second;” this is amazing because it’s a complex process!!  In the readings, “Google’s New Director Of Engineering, Ray Kurzweil, Is Building Your ‘Cybernetic Friend, “ Google’s new Director of Engineering, Ray Kurzweil, wants to build a search engine so sophisticated that it could act like a ‘cybernetic friend,’ who knows users better than they know themselves.” This is how I see technology, but it is kind of personal. Most people hide who they are because of their partners, parents, and others. This is why such an idea is personal. Unless it requires a password1

My Blog List

  • End To Start (!) - *FROM END TO START* "Unemployment" is the word defined as why people cannot freely say that ; YES, I FINALLY GRADUATED ! We-the young population of Turkey-...
    8 years ago
  • - This article ties in nicely to what we were discussing about technology and the times changing: "everything from garden products to bathroom appliances wil...
    10 years ago
  • - Check out my Ookla Speedtest result. What's your speed?
    10 years ago
  • Cyber bullying - Cyber bullying is the use of electronic communication to bully an individual. This can be done by sending initimimidating or threatening messages. This iss...
    10 years ago
  • Cyberbullying - Cyberbullying has become the new thing when it comes to attacking someone verbally. The only difference is that it's just a wall of text. Seriously. I beli...
    10 years ago
  • What is cyberbullying?? - Cyberbullying, as defined by Google, is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threaten...
    10 years ago
  • Cyber Bullying - Cyber bullying is just bullying someone over the internet or related technology. Bullying over the internet has caused many issues in society, first the pe...
    10 years ago
  • Cyberbullying - Cyberbullying is a concept that has emerged and become visible in the eye of the media in recent years. Cyberbullying is exactly what it sounds like, bully...
    10 years ago
  • Cyber Bullying - Cyber bullying is to bully an individual mentally or physically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening purpose over the internet. We can pre...
    10 years ago
  • Cyberbullying - Cyberbullying is the act of harrasing someone through verbal abuse over the internet.This usually happens through making fun of someone, as it happens in b...
    10 years ago
  • Cyberbullying - At one point in our lifetime, we have either witnessed bullying or have been bullied whether it is in high school or elementary school. Bullies usually cau...
    10 years ago
  • Cyberbullying - Cyber-bullying is unwanted harassment over the internet. As read in the article " Audire Pott, Rehtaeh Parsons suicides show cyber bullying is "pervasive" ...
    10 years ago
  • Cyberbullying - Cyberbullying is the use of electronic communication to bully a person. This is something that has been growing in our time. With the introduction of socia...
    10 years ago
  • Cyberbullying - Bullying has existed basically since man walked Earth. However, the internet has opened a whole new realm of bullying. It is called cyberbullying, and it's...
    10 years ago
  • Cyber Bullying - Cyber bullying is like regular bullying except instead of bullying taken place in the real world, the bullying takes place over social media. Cyber bullyin...
    10 years ago
  • Cyberbullying - Cyberbullying is just what it sounds like, the Internet allows for people both anonymous and not to torment people and bully them for things that they migh...
    10 years ago
  • Cyberbullying - Cyberbullying is the act of harassing people over the internet using e-mails and chat rooms. It is a terrible thing to do because you get stalk...
    10 years ago
  • Legal and ethical issues - Responding to the question to whether the use of information like journals, or movies or other type of media should be free. I think that information regar...
    10 years ago
  • Ways to prevent bullying - In the last blog post, I talked about cyberbullying and provided an example of what can hurt a victim. There are steps to stop/prevent bullying online and ...
    10 years ago
  • CyberBullying - What is Cyber Bullying? Cyber Bullying can have various ways of describing it, but i think we all can agree on one. Cyber bullying is when you are hurting ...
    10 years ago